
Links to articles…

26-17.09.2023 Slice and View workshop


11.09.2023 book published


11.09.2023 article published

Anomalous behaviour of silver catalyst for soot oxidation explained: state of silver when operating and the influence
of potassium ions

by: Ewa M. Iwanek (nee Wilczkowska), Donald. W. Kirk and Zbigniew Kaszkur

Catalysis Science and Technology,

DOI: 10.1039/D3CY01183F


01.09.2023 co-author of oral presentation at electrochemical conference


27.08-01.09.2023 EuropaCat2023


23.08.2023 Article published

Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenation Performance of Magnesium-Doped ZrO2 Solid Solutions


20.06.2023 Article published

CO Removal from Hydrogen Stream through Methanation on Ru/C Catalysts Doped with Lanthanum and Barium


14-16.06.2023 ToF SIMS workshop


20-21.04.2023 FIB workshop part 2

Cut and paste on the micrometer scale!
Step 1: Perfecting cutting cross-sections.
Step 2: Learning to cut lamellas and weld them onto copper grids…


02-04.2023 new supports

Great, motivated students and clean new supports! Perfect.


23.01.2023 member of the Polish catalysis club

grateful for 2022, looking forward to science in 2023

Motto for 2023: „Let me think clearly and brightly; let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences” S. Plath

2022 was a wonderful year spent in the lab with no covid lockdowns nor other interruptions! I am grateful for the scientists and the science, mostly for the following:


12-13.12.2022 helios 5 workshop part. 2: fib

Exploring the options of the FIB: making cross-sections


08.12.2022 article published

A Hands-on Guide to the Synthesis of High-Purity and
High-Surface-Area Magnesium Oxide



29.11.2022 Patent application number P.442985 granted


07-08.11.2022 Helios 5 workshop part. 1

Helios 5 with ToF SIMS, FIB, STEM, etc.


13.09.2022 conference fun

Annual conference of the
Polish Chemical Society:
Presenting some great results with my wonderful Dynamic Duo!
Lots of fun with great people brought together by the love of chemistry at the University of Marie Curie-Skłodowska in Lublin, Poland.


30.08.2022 article published

Highly Active Large Au Clusters and Even More Active Ag Nanoparticles Supported on Ceria-Zirconia: Impact of Particle Size and Potassium Ion Loading on Activity in Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenation


23.05.2022 sem workshop

Workshop with a Thermo Fisher representative on Prisma E: the functions, options, creating maps of several grains of samples, etc.




Application of Slow Pyrolysis to Convert Waste Plastics from
a Compost-Reject Stream into Py-Char

by Ewa M. Iwanek and Donald W. Kirk


02.04.2022 grant awarded

Dr. Ewa Iwanek is awarded the Scientific Research Council grant for research on the „Influence of doping with alkali metal ions on the activity of catalytic systems containing nano-silver supported on Zr1-xCexO2 in soot combustion and catalytic transfer hydrogenation”.